Corporate governance

At “Circular Economy Solutions GmbH” we support services with sustainable circular economy business models. Our team takes care of the demands of our stakeholders. 

Fully aware of the importance of establishing corporate governance to achieve decision-making we are totally engaged in a constructive dialogue with our shareholders. We are convinced, that our success, the success of our customers, business partners and investors is based on our values.

We are acting in accordance with following values:

1. Future and Result Focus:
In order to ensure dynamic development of our company and to guarantee long-term corporate success, we participate in shaping the changes in markets and technologies. By doing so, we provide our customers with innovative solutions and our associates with attractive jobs. We act result focused in order to secure growth and financial independence.

2. Responsibility and Sustainability:
We accept that our actions must accord with the interests of society. Above all else, we place our services in the interests of the safety of people, the economic use of resources, and environmental sustainability and we encourage social responsibility among our associates.

3. Initiative and Determination:
We act on our own initiative, with an entrepreneurial but accountable spirit, and demonstrate determination in pursuing our goals.

4. Openness and Trust:
We inform our associates, business partners, and investors in a timely and open fashion of important developments within our company. This is the best basis for a trustful relationship.

5. Fairness and Respect:
We view mutual fairness as a condition of our corporate success when dealing with each other and with our business partners.

6. Reliability, Credibility, and Legality:
We promise only what we can deliver, accept agreements as binding, and respect and observe the law in all our business transactions.

7. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion:
We are aware of our company’s regional and cultural origins and at the same time regard diversity as an asset, as well as a precondition of our global success.